Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Back?

It has been a very, very long time since I’ve updated this blog for one reason or another. I started it, had ideas for it, and then never followed through.

Looking at my life’s patterns, that sounds about right.

The purpose of this, I’d hoped, was to help myself organize and manage my oft disorganized and mismanaged life, interests, and experiences. But like all things electronic-based, I got lazy and stopped updating.
 {… I haven’t been on my Facebook page in four years, so as I’m rather unsocial most people prolly figure I’d died :(  …}

But, there are lots of things I plan on exploring these upcoming months. I won’t promise I’ll update every week, but I will make a large effort to do better now.  I last updated back in July and those were rather seasonal things, weren’t they? Well,  it is too cold at present to eat ice cream and it rains more often than not if it’s a warm enough day to grill, so the pizza’s off the table (literally) for now. I will however show you some lovely updates in the garden as soon as I can.

Thanks, xoxo

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